DOT/SAP Return To Duty Process

Have you failed or refused a drug or alcohol test and you work in a DOT safety-sensitive position?

GA Life SAP Services can help. We offer Afterpay and can schedule appointments within 24 - 48 hours. Our SAP provider, Christa Harris is experienced and knowledgeable about the Return to Duty process and DOT rules. You are required to complete the Return to Duty Process to be eligible to go back to work.

Our SAP Evaluator, Christa Harris has 9 years of experience as a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). She is professional, understands the Clearinghouse, and is responsive to clients after the SAP process is complete to provide their employer or future employer with all required paperwork.

The Return to Duty process includes:

  1. Designate your SAP in the Clearinghouse.

  2. Initial Evaluation - $300

    Determines what will be required for step 2.

  3. Education or Treatment - cost depends on the type and duration of what is recommended

    Must be completed before step 3 can be scheduled

  4. Follow-up Evaluation - $150

    Makes you eligible to complete a return to duty/pre-employment drug test for a safety-sensitive position

  5. Complete a return to duty test with the employer.

  6. Complete the follow-up testing plan while working in a safety-sensitive position.

    The Department of Transportation requires the follow-up testing plan to last for a minimum of one year and to include a minimum of six drug and/or alcohol tests.

    *The SAP is responsible for steps 1 - 4. The employer is responsible for steps 5 and 6.

    The length of the process is based on multiple variables including but not limited to the ability to pay for each step, how much education or treatment is required, and how quickly a person completes the required treatment or education.

For questions or scheduling, call GA Life SAP Services (404) 902-3707 to speak with SAP Evaluator, Christa Harris.  

Our SAP is certified Internationally and currently practices in Georgia and Tennessee. You can check out her profile

Safety-sensitive positions include but are not limited to truck drivers, pipeline workers, airline workers, railroad employees, and powerline workers.

We offer competitive pricing, fast scheduling, and virtual appointments. *In-person appointments are based on the evaluator’s availability and proximity to that location.